In this promenade, located on the left-hand side of the gardens, there are sculptures paying tribute to the kings who carried out the construction of the fortress. A number of statues of monarchs who have contributed to the Alcázar stand on high stone plinths along this walk. This pebbled avenue stretches the length of two large rectangular ponds which have water jets pouring over them. A flower parterre separates the two ponds and the avenue is bordered with neatly trimmed cypresses on either side. The statues were sculpted by Pablo Yusti Conejo, and date from 1960.
Here comes a brief and chronological tale of the kings who contributed to the construction of the fortress:
After the death of Alfonso XI, his successors lived in the Alcazar. Peter of Castille joined the Moorish troops of Granada at the end of his reign in order to assault the Christian Alcazar.
During the reign of Henry II of Castille, the walls were partially reconstructed and defensive turrets were added to the gates.
Retaining the appearance of the fortress, Henry III converted the Alcazar into a palace.
Henry IV the Impotent, spent a considerable amount of time between the walls of the Alcazar, where he held his wedding with a Portuguese princess, the mother of Joanna of Castile, also known as la Beltraneja. Several changes were made to the interior of the palace on the occasion of this wedding.
The Alcazar served not only as a royal residence, but also housed the aristocracy of Cordoba, such as Alonso de Aguilar, who lived there and was in possession of the palace-fortress for a long period of time.
Finally, we must not forget the kings to which the Alcazar owes its name: the Catholic Monarchs. They lived in the palace during the siege of Granada. During this stay, the princess María, future Queen of Portugal, was born in our city.
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Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs. Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires s/n. 14004 Córdoba
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