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Museo Baños del Alcázar Califal


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Doña Leonor's Royal Baths

In 1328, the Spanish king Alphonse XI had baths built for his beloved Soña Leonor de Guzmán according to traditional Arab bath designs in outbuildings of the ancient Islamic Alcazaba (Castle) now named as "Houses of the King".
Visitors can access the Patio Morisco (Moorish Courtyard) via a small courtyard. They are located on the ground floor, right under the Salón de los Mosaicos (Hall of Mosaics). They are set with a weak light taking us to the time where they were erected. These baths are based on a traditional Arab layout. Firstly, visitors enter the changing room which leads into the three consecutive rooms.
The cold water room is a large room with star-shaped skylights with eight points spread out uniformly for lighting and ventilation. The lukewarm water room is also vaulted and has skylights; and the warm water room was the vapour area and contained warm baths. The boiler and the oven were located close to a well under the Torre Keep.

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Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs. Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires s/n. 14004 Córdoba

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