logotipo Ayuntamiento de Córdoba


Museo Baños del Alcázar Califal


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Room's Map

Upper Floor: Lounges Audiodescription.

The so-called "Patio de las Mujeres" (the ladies´Patio) Hall of Mosaics Portrait of Alphonse XIII Drawing room The roman sacrophagus Corridor or Gallery

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In order to reach the upper floor of the Alcázar castle, you enter the complex via the Tower of the Lions and take the staircase on the left.

The map in the corridor shows four towers. The four towers are connected by four walls: the North Wall, the East Wall, the South Wall and the West Wall. There are two rooms are attached to the North and South walls; there is also a third one dividing the area of Alcazar running north to south linking both rooms. This one is derived from the division of two courtyards on the central area: the Patio Moriscos (Moorish Courtyard) on the western side and the Patio Mujeres (Women’s Courtyard) on the eastern side.
The Salón de los Mosaicos (Hall of Mosaics) presents a rectangular plan. Inside, it features several mosaics which were discovered during excavations in the city of Córdoba and are now exhibited in this antique chapel. From here there is a wonderful view of the old parade ground and the Women’s Courtyard prison called Patio de mujeres (Women’s Courtyard). During this part of the visit, some other splendid works can be appreciated: A magnificent Roman sarcophagus with a depiction of the gates of the underworld, and a portrait of Alphonse XIII of Spain.

Other parts of the complex that can be visited include the drawing room, the Gallery, the entrance to the Tower of Homage and the Tower of the Lions, some interior rooms and the upper part of the Wall.

Not available.

Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs. Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires s/n. 14004 Córdoba

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